York Health and Care Alliance Board



Minutes of the meeting of the York Health and Care Alliance Board held on Monday 25th July 2022



Cllr Nigel Ayre                          Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects

Sian Balsom                                Manager Healthwatch York

Ian Floyd (Chair)                      Chief Operating Officer, City of York Council

Dr Rebecca Field                     GP, York Medical Group

Professor Mike Holmes            Chair, Nimbuscare York

Professor Charlie Jeffery         Vice Chancellor and President, University of York

Brent Kilmurray                        Chief Executive, TEWV

   Melanie Liley                            Chief Operating Officer York & Scarborough Teaching      Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Substitute for Simon Morritt)

  Phil Mettam                              Accountable Officer, Vale of York CCG

Alison Semmence                    Chief Executive, York CVS

Sharon Stoltz                           Director of Public Health, City of York Council


In Attendance

Janie Berry                                  Director of Governance, City of York Council

Michele Carrington                     Executive Director Quality & Nursing CCG/ Interim Director of Nursing HCV ICS

Abby Combes                          Head of Legal and Governance, Vale of York CCG

Peter Roderick                         Consultant in Public Health, City of York Council /

Vale of York CCG

Tracy Wallis                             Health and Wellbeing Partnerships Co-ordinator, City of

                                                 York Council



Gail Brown                               CEO Ebor Academy Trust

Amanda Bloor                          Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care                  Partnership

Frances Harrison                     Legal Team – City of York Council of York Council

Jamaila Hussain                       Director of Prevention, Commissioning and Education, City                                                                                               

                                                 of York Council

Emma Johnson                        St Leonards Hospice

Simon Morritt                              Chief Executive, York and Scarborough Hospital NHS             Foundation Trust








The agenda was discussed in the following order.



1.         Welcome and apologies for absence

·         Minutes of the meeting held on 27.06.2022

·         Matters Arising

·         Declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.  


There were no matters arising from the last set of minutes and the board agreed them as an accurate record of the previous meeting.


The board went through the minutes and confirmed to have completed most actions. The only action that needed further consideration was around renaming the York Health and Care Alliance Board.


The board discussed the cultural values survey and how it would need to translate into tangible actions for members to progress.

Action: Tracy Wallis to lead on formulating some actions/recommendations from the findings of the cultural values survey.


The board discussed organising representation on the Integrated Care System (ICS) finance meetings to ensure York was discussed while budgets were being allotted. Someone will need to be identified on an interim basis until the place director had been named.

Action: The board to nominate a representative to sit on the ICS finance meetings.


Cllr Ayre noted that he had a possible conflict of interest through working for Healthwatch Bradford.


2.        Place Development: Next Steps and Key Priority Actions (Including an update from an ICS representative)

Jamaila Hussain, Director of Prevention, Commissioning and Education for the City                                                                                                of York Council was unable to attend the meeting. The board agreed to postpone discussing the paper until the next meeting.


Michele Carrington, Executive Director of Quality & Nursing CCG/Interim Director of Nursing Humber Coast Vale ICS, informed the board of the Place Quality Group. A paper was circulated during the meeting and was embedded below.


The board discussed the function of the group and what was meant by quality. In these terms, quality was around patient safety, clinical effectiveness and inclusivity. The group would mainly be concerned with providing the Place Board with oversight and assurance on the quality of services for their population and working together to improve pathways of care. The board fully agreed with the proposal of the Place Quality Group and suggested that it should be mandated as we need assurance around quality outcomes. Once the group had been established it would report to the Integrated Care Board.

Action: To schedule regular updates from the Place Quality Group to come to the YHCA Board.


The board discussed the ideal membership of the group but agreed to postpone the review as some board members may be better placed on a sub-group instead. A cross system primary care provider was suggested as a member of the group as representation shouldn’t come from a single patient care network (PCN) that only covers a part of the city.


Brent Kilmurray, Chief Executive at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) expressed concerns around replicating existing groups of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).


The board noted the update and agreed with the proposal set out in the paper.


3.         Draft Prospectus for the Alliance

Peter Roderick, Consultant in Public Health for the City of York Council/Vale of York CCG provided an overview of the draft prospectus for the alliance. Numerous workshops and the work with the health sciences department of the University of York had been integrated into the prospectus. Peter reported to have worked with communities to ask them their views on the current state of the healthcare provision and what it may look like if improved or stayed the same over the next 10 years. As the prospectus had been written with both residents and staff in mind, constituents will be able to hold the York system to account on this.

Action: Peter Roderick to bring back the draft prospectus for final ratification. This should include a cover report detailing next steps.


Professor Mike Holmes, Chair of Nimbuscare York suggested adding something around the wellbeing of health and social care staff as this will have an impact on how the aims will be delivered, as well as how care is delivered.


The board discussed how there was clarification needed on the voluntary sector and the third sector as both are referred to in different ways. Alison Semmence, Chief Executive of York CVS also wanted to note the importance of the wellbeing of the staff in the voluntary sector.

The prospectus included sections on behaviours and maturity and the links to the cultural values work were acknowledged. The board noted the update and agreed to adopt the suggestions made by attendees.


4.         Draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Peter Roderick updated everyone on the progress of the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The strategy was planned to cover the next ten years to ensure it could make a difference. A performance framework and delivery plan would also be developed for assurance purposes. The board discussed the Terms of Reference and membership in response to the changes across the ICS. A report will be taken to the next meeting in September, updated with recommendations.


Cllr Ayre suggested that the strategy should highlight the differences from a York perspective instead of focusing on national issues. Although the national problems are important to note, they would need to be put into the context of York.


The group discussed how York Place would use the Joint HWBB Strategy in delivery and produce a set of actions from it. The Chair suggested that a paper be presented to the alliance in terms of how the strategy is used to develop priorities.

Action: Fora paper to be presented to the alliance in terms of how the strategy is used to develop priorities.


The group discussed how they need to be involved in the development of other strategies and groups like the Economic Strategy.

Action: To bring the Ten-Year City Plan, the Economic Strategy and the Climate Strategy to alliance for information.


5.         Higher and Further Education – System Contribution

Professor Charlie Jeffery, Vice Chancellor and President of the University of York gave an overview of the proposal for the York Place Group in the ICS. The proposal comes from the Higher York Group of Further and Higher Education institutions who work in a collaborative partnership. This paper sets out a specific proposal for the York Health and Care Alliance Board to establish three new hubs to progress different types of workstreams. These hubs were as follows:

1.    York NHS and Social Care Workforce Innovation Hub.

2.    Health and Social Care Service Innovation Hub for York.

3.    Research Innovation Hub for York.

The board discussed how there have been a low number of nurses going into the community and social care nursing after they become qualified. The same could be said for non-specific Public Health roles even though the pathway for consultants in public health was already well established. Hopefully the expected increase in coproduction from the ICS will solve these issues.


The Chair suggested that in order to develop the board further, individual members should be allocated future slots on the agenda to provide an overview of their organisations, the services delivered and how they can support the work of the alliance.

Action: Tracy Wallis to organise slots on the forward plan for members to provide overviews of their organisations.


The board supported the paper.


6.         Any Other Business

The board discussed whether the comment received around appointments not being available for over three weeks would be the responsibility of the quality committee to address. Steph Porter was suggested as a good contact to progress this with until the ICS structure had been established.


Date of next meeting: Monday 22nd August 2022 – 13:00-15:00 – Microsoft Teams